For healthcare plans and memberships
Care happens outside of medical settings. In fact, family members and loved ones are providing the largest portion of care for your aging members.
Health outcomes are improved when you support the individuals ultimately responsible for your members' health.
Family members and loved ones
are responsible for care outcomes.
They are coordinating care and often are the ultimate decision makers.
monitoring their aging loved one's condition.
assisting with their aging loved one's medical and nursing tasks.
managing a serious illness that their aging loved one has.
(AARP, Caregiving in the U.S. 2020)
Positively impact economic security.
medical care plays a lesser role in someone's health than their social conditions.
our aging population is a particular risk for lack of social access for maintaining good health.
there's a strong connection between a family's income, cost of living, cost of care, and socioeconomic status and their health.
(U.S. Department of HHS, Healthy People 2030)
How we help.
We help families decrease the thousands of dollars they're spending out of pocket to cover long-term care costs, reducing the financial barrier to realizing optimal health for their loved ones.
When a family's ability to pay for care is increased: